Enviro Grip

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Enviro Grip - Bottle - Front resize.jpg
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Enviro Grip


Enviro Grip is an eco-friendly revolutionary new liquid chalk designed to reduce sweat and increase grip. For use with pole fitness, weight lifting, gymnastics, cross fit and any activity that requires more grip!

It comes in a “custom-made biodegradable bottle, is vegan friendly, cruelty free and donates 50c from every bottle towards conservation”

From the Enviro Grip website:

✔️Biodegradable bottle
✔️Vegan friendly
✔️Not tested on animals
✔️50 cents to charity
✔️Unique formula
✔️Vanilla scent

Are sweaty hands limiting your performance?
At Enviro Grip we are changing the game with our unique formula of liquid chalk that reduces sweat and increases grip to give you performance results like never before.

Thank you!

When you purchase Enviro Grip you're also contributing towards conserving our environment! 50 cents from every bottle goes straight to charities who work to conserve our planet.

How do I use enviro grip?
Apply a small amount to one hand, rub hands together and wait until dry before use. Reapply as needed. To remove, wash hands with warm soapy water. 

You can read the FAQ section here

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