New to yoga? Start here with a 60 minute class!

Yoga Ashburton Beginners

This is a blog I wrote for my studio website, inverted Fitness and I wanted to share it here too. I hope you enjoy it and let me know how you go with the 65 minute class!

Welcome welcome welcome and thank you so much for wanting to know a bit more about yoga with us at Inverted Fitness! Lesley is our resident teacher having completed her 300 Hour Power Yoga Training and now onto another 200 hour training because…why not!

Yoga at this wee studio is fun and fabulous. As soon as you walk in the door you can feel the welcoming and warm vibe…something I’m very proud off! Students love the relaxed and chilled out vibe; we talk, we laugh and sometimes even cry during class (not because anyone is mean, but because its been a hard day!), you can truly be yourself here. Whether you follow along with every move, or take heaps of breaks to just breathe, showing up and getting on your mat is what’s important.

I’ve been a Physiotherapist for 13 years and now work predominately in Pelvic Health. Breathing is a huge part of my treatment plan for many different conditions, and this is what has blossomed my love of yoga. Honestly, teaching women to breathe to help with their pain, their anxiety, their pelvic floor dysfunction and seeing the results is incredible.

I’ve put together a collection of videos below to help explain some basic aspects of yoga:

  1. Welcome video explaining about why breathing is so beneficial during yoga

  2. Diaphragmatic breathing

  3. Ujjayi breathing

After you have finished watching the videos there is a 60 minute Intro to Yoga Video…yip a full 60 min video for you to have a look at, follow along with. It’s a very basic intro, only a few poses explained with well to let you get a feel of what class is like. Remember we do move quicker and do not hold poses for as long as I do in the video but you will get a feel for it.